高原 [写真]


 これは長野県の「富士見高原リゾート 花の里」で撮ったものです。白樺のおかげでユリが引き立ちます。このあたりは標高が1,200メートルから1,400メートルの所にあるので、特に早朝や夕方は比較的涼しいです。ここではアジサイ・百日草・ヘメロカリスなど様々な花も見られます。


This is a photo taken at a mountain resort called Fujimi-Kogen Resort Hananosato in Nagano. The lilies make a beautiful contrast with the white birches. Since it is located between 1,200 and 1,400 meters above sea level, it is relatively cool, especially early in the morning and in the evening. You cas see various flowers as well here, such as hydrangeas, common zinnias, hemerocallisis, and so forth.
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