希望 [写真]


 カナダのバンクーバーでも桜祭りが開催されますが、所によっては2月22日現在で桜が既に2分~3分咲きとのことで、日本よりも1カ月ほど早く開花しているようです。 この写真は茨城県笠間市の愛宕山で以前に撮影したもので、撮影日は3月28日でした。このあたりにはソメイヨシノ,ヤマザクラ,ジンダイアケボノ、ヤエザクラ,オオシマザクラ,カワヅザクラ、ヒガンザクラなど約20種類2,000本の桜があるとのことで、3月下旬~4月中旬位まで比較的長く桜が楽しめます。写真の桜はジンダイアケボノと呼ばれていて淡いピンクが特徴で、芝生を背景に撮ってみました。


According to my daughter living in Vancouver, about 20 percent of the cherry blossoms are in bloom in some spots there as of February 22 in 2015. There are over 36,000 cherry trees in Vancouver, and Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival will be held between April 2 and 29 in 2015.

The cherry blossom, the national flower of Japan and a symbol of hope and renewal, normally begins to come out around the end of March in Tokyo and its vicinity, Japan. There are a large number of places to see cherry blossoms, and one of the popular viewing spots to see them in Japan is Mt. Atago in Kasama, which is about one and half hours by train from Tokyo and another 15 minutes by taxi to get there. There are some 2,000 cherry trees, and 20 different kinds of cherry blossoms there.

This is a picture I took on the top of Mt. Atago, which is 305 meters above sea level, on March 28 in 2013. The best time to see cherry blossoms around here would be between the end of March and and the middle of April.
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nice! 2

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